Task Manager in Windows 10, 8 and 7 (Functions ...

DBCTaskmanobviouslyallowsyoutokillprocessesorapplicationsastobeexpectedwithanytaskmanagerbutalsoallowsfordetailedviewsofMemory,Process, ...,Tryprocessexploreraswell.Itcanreplacethedefaulttaskmanagerandithaswin8stylegraphsaswell,includingGPUmonito...。參考影片的文章的如下:


A windows 8 like Task Manager for Windows 7

DBCTaskman obviously allows you to kill processes or applications as to be expected with any task manager but also allows for detailed views of Memory, Process, ...

Windows 8 task manager, on Windows 7

Try process explorer as well. It can replace the default task manager and it has win 8 style graphs as well, including GPU monitoring.

Windows 8 Task Manager in Windows 7

You can use Process Hacker which looks a bit like the new Taskmgr of Windows 8 and offers much more features: enter image description here.

Windows 7 Tasks Using the new Windows 8 Release Preview?

Windows 8. The task manager in Windows 8 is similar to the task manager in Windows 7. However, there is no separation of Applications and ...

Windows 8 Style Task Manager for Windows 7

Windows 7 users envious of the Windows 8 Task Manager have a new option thanks to a free utility called DBC Task Manager. The replacement task manager was ...

How to restore the good old Task Manager in Windows 8

To restore the new Task Manager of Windows 8 back, go to Control Panel-Programs-Programs and Features. There, you can uninstall classic apps and restore ...

A windows 8

Very nice, I love this interface more than in Windows 8 because font you choose is simple. But I get a bug about CPU and Disk, it almost appears in Disk.

Windows 8.1 task manager in Windows 7

I doubt Windows 8.1 Task Manager would run in Windows 7.For technical reasons Windows components of newer operating systems usually don't run in ...

Windows 8 task manager in to windows 7? how?

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, Intel Core i3, 2.93GHz with 6 GB of RAM on a Gateway SX2840. Task Manager is not working on my PC.

Use Windows 8 Task Manager in Windows 7!

Here's a free download that lets you use the Windows 8 style task manager in Windows 7! The name of the program is DBC Task Manager.


DBCTaskmanobviouslyallowsyoutokillprocessesorapplicationsastobeexpectedwithanytaskmanagerbutalsoallowsfordetailedviewsofMemory,Process, ...,Tryprocessexploreraswell.Itcanreplacethedefaulttaskmanagerandithaswin8stylegraphsaswell,includingGPUmonitoring.,YoucanuseProcessHackerwhichlooksabitlikethenewTaskmgrofWindows8andoffersmuchmorefeatures:enterimagedescriptionhere.,Windows8.ThetaskmanagerinWin...